Bust Paranthropus boisei

3d-printed bust of Paranthropus boisei also refered to as Australopithecus boisei. Bust is reconstruction of the life appearance of the hominin dubbed the “Nutcracker Man”.

Size: 150/220/170 mm. Painted with "graphite" (black) paint.

Paranthropus boisei was an early hominin, described as the largest of the genus Paranthropus or robust australopithecines. It lived in Eastern Africa during the Pleistocene epoch (2.4 -1.4 million years ago).

The anthropology replica of the face reconstruction of the life appearance of the Australopithecus boisei is perfect as an anatomical home decor, as a historical gift, as a museum exhibit.

lwh: 200x200x200 mm

Weight: 450 g

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